How to Prepare for Colorado Concealed Carry Law Changes

Experience The Benefits Of CCW Classes

The graphic shows a black and white image of a teacher pointing at a board that reads "Basic Rules Of Gun Safety." At the bottom of the graphic is the title, which reads, "Experience The Benefits OfC CW Classes."

Why Should You Take CCW Classes? Not only is the completion of a CCW class required to apply for a concealed carry weapon permit, but the benefits of CCW classes help you become the best gun owner possible. These lessons are essential whether it’s your first time enrolling or you need to renew your permit. […]

Concealed Carry Permits: Everything You Need To Know

The graphic shows a black and white image of a small handgun resting on top of some papers, one of which is a concealed carry permit. On the bottom portion of the graphic, the title reads, "Concealed Carry Permits: Everything You Need To Know."

What Is A Concealed Carry Permit? Concealed carry permits allow an individual to legally carry a weapon in a way that hides it from others. There could be severe consequences if the police catch you carrying a gun without a license in Colorado. If you’re a first-time offender, the authorities could charge you with a […]

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