How To Prepare For Your First Concealed Carry Class

How To Prepare For Your First Concealed Carry Class Different states refer to concealed carry permits using other names: Concealed Handgun License, Concealed Carry License, Concealed Weapons License, License T0 Carry, and Concealed Carry Weapon. Even though they’re different names, having a permit for one of these means you are legally allowed to carry a […]
Gun Safety Classes: Everything You Need To Know
Colorado Handgun Safety has become the premier destination for individuals looking to expand their knowledge and expertise when it comes to owning and operating a gun. Over the years, we’ve been able to help thousands of people become responsible gun owners, and we’re proud that people choose to come back to our center when they […]
Everything You Need To Know About Concealed Carry Classes
What do Instructors Teach In A Concealed Carry Class? Here’s everything you need to know about concealed carry classes. Completing a concealed carry course is required to apply for your concealed carry permit. These courses help you become a safer, more knowledgeable gun owner. Some of the topics covered in a concealed carry class include: […]