How to Prepare for Colorado Concealed Carry Law Changes

Can I Carry a Gun in My Car?

A woman exiting her vehicle holding a firearm

From moving to regular travel, there are various situations where you may need to carry a gun in your car. But does that mean you can do so legally? The answer depends on a few different factors, including where you live and where you’re driving to. At Colorado Handgun Safety, education is one of our […]

How To Concealed Carry While Running

A close-up of a person's legs in motion while they are running outdoors

When you decide to go for a run, you may still want to concealed carry. However, that begs the question — how? Running or doing anything active might prevent you from wearing a belt and holster, but you want your firearm to stay put while on the move. Plus, you don’t want to worry so […]

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