This is your first step to getting your Concealed Carry Permit. Our Concealed Carry Permit Course will satisfy the requirements and provide you with all of the information you need when applying for your CCW Permit. The course will teach you about the responsibilities of a permit holder, the use of force, interactions with police officers, the legal aftermath of an act of self defense, handgun safety as well as parts and operation.
During the 4 hour course, we will provide all materials needed. All you need to do is show up; it’s that simple.
At the end of the course we will give you your Certificate of Completion to take to your local Sheriff’s Office to apply for your Concealed Handgun Permit.
Register now by providing the information below.
If you have a Gift Certificate for the class, please call us at 719-250-0309 to register.
** This class is scheduled to be taught as scheduled after the Governors “Shelter In Place Order” for COVID-19 expires. We will be using a larger conference room and limiting students to 10. If you can this seats are still available – classes will sell out quickly so book now.
Bookings are no longer available for this event.